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Are you looking for a new way to bring positive energy into your life?


Receive an energetically charged crystal grid with unique stones chosen just for you by medicine woman Chakuna Machi Asa. Examples of past ones created for individuals are the ones in photo listing. This custom crystal grid is for personal healing and positive energy for your home. It helps to increase positive energy and balance for the Feng Shui of your home. 


Chakuna will intuitively choose stones for you based on her knowledge working with crystal healing. She is a certified reiki healer, certified crystal healer and when she was a teenager she was woven into a Peruvian shamanic traditional lineage. Her medicine name is Chakuna Machi Asa. For more information about her please see this websites about section.


Instructions for your grid: Crystal grids are great for the home for creating positive energy and good fengshui. Crystal grids are also great for assisting with healing of the personal energy body. Set up the crystal grid as shown in the original picture. You can also move pieces around once you get more comfortable with working with the grid and using your intuition. You can place the grid anywhere in the home based on where you would like to bring in a peaceful relaxing space.


You can also use the study of Feng Shui to place the crystal grid in a room that represents the area of your life that you need healing. Research "Bagua Map" and Feng Shui on google if this is something that interests you. Simply having the grid set up in your home is the first step to activating the grids positive energy in your life.


Please take a moment to set your intentions for the grid when you set it up or after. By writing down or thinking quietly your positive affirmations or needs for healing. Ask the stones permission to work right now with you to help in these ways. Near your grid is a great place to meditate. Placing tea light candles at each point of the grid is also a great way to enhance the energy of the grid during meditation. You can also pick up the stones and hold them in your left hand to work with the energy of the individual stones. You can place the stones on areas of the body that you need to bring in positive energy too. You can clear the grid by using white sage, incenses, placing outside on the earth occasionally, or using florida water.


Please contact Chakuna if you have any questions!

Personalized Crystal Grid


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