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SOLID Michigan native copper, formed and made in Michigan.

Copper is an amazing stone for physical healing and energy protection. It is the best stone for assisting energy healing in the root chakra. Copper offers a grounding energy to connect your energy with the earths energy. It can also help prevent nightmares and protect you from harmful EMFs.

Approx. 1-3/4 inch x 1-1/2 inch x 3/4 inch

Approx. 5.4oz
Approx 152g

Michigans Keweenaw Peninsula is the most important locality in the world for pure native copper. Mining began in 1845 and continued until 1982 and over 7 million tons of refined copper were recovered from Michigan Copper mines. In the early 1900s it led the world in copper production and "lake copper" was the purity standard to which other refined copper was compared. 

Long before the mining operations of the past century began in the Keweenaw, prehistoric people's mined copper from the mineral rich veins

Michigan Copper Heart


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